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Projects and initiatives

HAOs, Health and Resilient Communities Initiative

1. Community-Managed Nature-Based Regeneration

Actively engage and empower local communities in planning and implementing nature-based regeneration projects that promote climate resilience.

  • Ensure meaningful community engagement and incorporate traditional knowledgevinto project design.
  • Facilitate reforestation efforts and adopt soil conservation practices with active community participation.

2. Agricultural Circular and Climate-Resilient Value Chains and Entrepreneurship

Promote climate-resilient agricultural value chains, inclusive practices, and sustainable entrepreneurship.

  • Support the development of climate-smart agricultural value chains, including honey production, greens and beans cultivation, and livestock management.
  • Actively involve women, youth, and marginalized community members in all aspects of agriculture and equip them with the necessary skills.
  • Implement circular economy practices, repurposing organic waste for mushroom cultivation.
  • Empower local communities to identify and implement locally-led adaptation solutions.

3. Green Solutions

Integrate green solutions into project activities, minimizing environmental impact and promoting sustainability.

  • Introduce clean cooking solutions, such as improved cookstoves and biogas systems, to reduce indoor air pollution and reliance on traditional fuels.
  • Apply green building principles to agricultural infrastructure, emphasizing energy efficiency and renewable materials.
  • Promote sustainable construction techniques using locally sourced green materials, with a focus on climate-resilient infrastructure, including flood-resistant housing and eco-centers.

4. Community Inclusion and Capacity Building

Actively involve and empower communities through education, training, and targeted capacity-building efforts.

  • Conduct comprehensive education and training programs covering climate-resilient agriculture, conservation, sustainable construction, and clean cooking practices.
  • Empower marginalized groups, including women and youth, through targeted capacity-building and financial inclusion initiatives.
  • Foster collaboration and partnerships with local organizations, NGOs, and government agencies to enhance the reach and impact of capacity-building programs.

5. Disaster Preparedness, Relief, and Governance for Democracy and Peace

Enhance disaster preparedness and relief efforts in the communities served while fostering democratic governance and peace.

  • Strengthen community readiness to respond to emergencies and reduce
    vulnerability to disasters.
  • Promote democratic change by implementing innovative initiatives that enable citizens to monitor public service delivery and government expenditures.
  • Empower grassroots communities to actively engage in governance systems, making them more accountable and responsive to the needs and rights of citizens.
  • Adopt a collective approach in collaboration with faith-based and community-based organizations, as well as in partnership with County and national governments, to contribute to the betterment of grassroots communities

6. Supporting Community Health

Support community health initiatives in partnership with Help a Child Face Tomorrow Africa (HCFT) work through humanitarian services.

  • Ensure accessibility and address health-related challenges in the communities served.
  • Providing free surgeries for cleft lips and palates, severe burn contractures, and other surgical conditions, to help bring a smile to the poor in society.
  • Through these program objectives, HAO’s Health and Resilient Communities Initiative aims to empower communities, improve sustainability, and build resilience to address the unique challenges faced by communities in the Horn of Africa